Together we can create the life you truly desire

Ready to work together?

Christ-Led Healing

What Led-Better principles are you seeking today?


Live Better

Unleash your inner confidence, step into your power & eliminate the mental blocks through transformative coaching programs. Cut through the past trauma, stuck programs and self-sabotage. Let me help you re-write your reality.

Feel Better

We believe in uncovering every stone possible, even the one most people would never think to turn over. We partner with you and our community in a comprehensive analysis to co-create a path to feeling better.

Vibe Better

Tap into your body and release the medicine within. 9D Breathwork, 5D Sound healing and retreats are unlocking the potential of how energy is a catalyst for healing. Check out the new 1:1, virtual and group experiences!

Do Better

Do you have a calling in leadership or advocacy? You can better serve your clients and establish more streams of income to position a multi-healing brand. Step up into your divine assignment. Together we will change the world.
I am breaking the cycle of pain, abuse and darkness. My family deserves love and the best version of myself. Thank you to Marlies for kick starting my healing process with plant medicine, 9D Breathwork therapies and your guidance for my business & personal life!
Professional Hair Stylist and Business owner
Don't let fear or lies keep you from healing.

Time for a total transformation breakthrough


Mom. Business Strategist. Activist. National Coach. Educator. Christian Healer.

With many years of suffering and seeking an answer to her own issues, it became clear that there was a lot of misinformation out there, especially within the medical community itself. She felt a calling to working with natural products and adapted a low-tox lifestyle.  So she dove in deep to uncover alternative healing sources and the root of every issue that keeps us from living BETTER.

With a bill passed in Medical Freedom after her Mother’s tragic death and courses/content produced in a variety of subjects on healing, tens of thousands  look to her for guidance and recommendations across the country. She has cemented her place in education and advisement as a certified holistic practitioner, speaker, writer and coach.  

More than anything though, she will tell you about her love for God and powerful anointing in the holy spirit to help all people of all walks.  And how we all have the gift to heal too.  We just have to trust it.

Marlies has received mentorship from leading Facilitators, Medical Doctors, Plant medicine Therapy experts and has completed certifications in Medical Cannabis Advisement, 9D Breathwork, Psychedelic Sciences, Transformation Coaching, Functional Health Sciences and Sound therapy.  She has also completed courses through several university systems on Plant Medicine and Holistic Practices.  She attended Baylor University for Music, Psychology and Communications Studies, then studied Broadcast Communications and Production in Washington, DC.  She’s worked on radio, TV and sound production as a voice artist, writer and producer for both shows and musical content.  She coaches public speaking, interviewing, vocal/stage performances and judges competitions and Miss America pageant preliminaries. 

Marlies now partners with practitioners, health centers and other medical professionals to create a community of resources around root cause identification and functional support.  In her quest to find the root, she knows it takes a village and that is something so important when identifying the causes of diseases and disorders.  She believes in uncovering every stone possible….even the ones that most people would never think to turn over.  

Now Marlies fearlessly works as a trainer, leader with BNI, motivational speaker, lobbyist, veterans access supporter, medical advocate and leading consumer use expert.

Meet Marlies

9D Breathwork changing lives?

When we give our mind a break from it’s constant chatter, and allow our breath to take control, we can anchor into our bodies new thought processes through rewiring our nervous system.  This can lead to massive benefits from better sleep to release of anxiety and the ability to control stress in our lives.  

With just 1 hour of deep somatic breathing along with multi-dimensional audio entrainment, you can take back control and start to live the life you deserve.

Masterfully Crafted Sound & Breathwork Experiences that Facilitate Life-Changing Transformational Experiences

This innovative sound technology along with active deep breathing and guided audio prompting helps us to quiet the mind without meditation, yet achieve the same stillness as our bodies take over to activate our cells, cleansing and releasing blocked energy. 

Breathwork helps anyone who wants more from their lives, be that better health, better sleep, more focus, more gratitude and more abundance, all with the power of sound and our own breath.  

Shop - Learn - Heal @ Living Holistic Org.

Wherever you are in your journey

I am here to support and coach you to a BETTER life that you deserve.

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