Breathwork Journeys

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Enjoy a free 9D Experience Trial!

9D Relaxation Breathwork Break
Relaxation – 9D 5 Minute Breathwork Break

Who is it for? 
•   The 5-Minute Breathwork Break is an oasis of relaxation designed for busy individuals seeking a tranquil escape from the chaos of daily life.
Indulge in the Ultimate Relaxation and Reset with the 5-Minute Breathwork Break. Designed specifically for busy individuals seeking solace and harmony, this effortless experience allows you to quiet your mind and restore balance in no time. Whether you’re rushing through your day, starting anew, or craving a moment of reconnection, this breathwork session is your ticket to revitalization. Through this powerful practice, harness the transformative benefits of conscious breathing, revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit. Accessible to all, this rejuvenating break offers a gateway to inner calm and renewed vitality, providing a much-needed respite from life’s demands. Embrace this opportunity to incorporate a quick and effective breathwork session into your routine, empowering yourself with instant tranquility and harmonious alignment.
Common Outcomes: 
1. Deep relaxation and stress reduction: Melts stress, promotes calmness, and induces deep relaxation for the body and mind.
2. Increased sense of calm and inner peace: Cultivates inner serenity, tranquility, and a profound sense of peace.
3. Improved focus and mental clarity: Enhances concentration, sharpens focus, and brings mental clarity to daily tasks.
4. A quiet and relaxed mind: Clears mental chatter, fostering a calm state of mind. 
5. The ultimate state change: Transforms your mood, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.
Duration: 6:06

Additional Breathwork Journeys

9D Journey – Original Letting Go Journey

Who is it for?
• This offering is specifically designed to support individuals who are grappling with the challenge of letting go, whether it be difficult events from the past, feelings of resentment, or judgments towards themselves or others. It provides a nurturing space for those seeking to activate deeper meaning and purpose in their lives, offering an opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with their authentic selves.
Embark on a transformative 9D Breathwork journey, designed to support you in the art of letting go. This immersive experience liberates you from the grip of the past, shedding physical and psychological burdens that cause discomfort. Through forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, and resilience, key themes intertwine, propelling personal transformation. You release the weight of past traumas, experiencing emotional stability, tranquility, and restoring balance. This transformative journey is a stepping stone to ongoing growth and healing, empowering the evolution of your true self. Embrace profound liberation, enriching your life with purpose and possibility.
Common Outcomes:
1. Liberation from the past: Experience profound freedom as you release the grip of the past, letting go of burdens that have held you back.
2. Release of physical and psychological discomfort: Shed the weight of physical and psychological burdens, leading to a sense of lightness and relief.
3. Cultivation of forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance: Foster a compassionate and nurturing relationship with yourself and others, embracing forgiveness and acceptance as transformative forces.
4. Resilience and emotional stability: Develop inner strength and resilience, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and emotional stability.
5. Tranquility and restored balance: Experience a deep sense of tranquility and inner equilibrium, restoring harmony in your life and relationships.
6. Empowered self-transformation: Embrace personal growth and empowerment as you let go and evolve, opening yourself up to new possibilities and a more fulfilling life journey.
Duration: 1:18:30

9D Journey – 5 Primary Trauma Imprints

Who is it for?
• This journey is for anyone seeking to break free from intergenerational trauma, the root cause of all human suffering. Cut the cords of these struggles and cease the cycle of passing down traumas to future generations.
Welcome to the transformative realm of the 9D Breathwork Journey for Releasing & Healing the 5 Primary Trauma Imprints—an immersive exploration dedicated to resolving the imprints of our childhood experiences. Delve deep into the healing process as we address the profound wounds of premature separation from love, rejection, abandonment, shaming, and lack of presence. These imprints, carried from our formative years, silently shape our adult lives, revealing themselves through various challenges, including victim mentality, trust and intimacy issues, co-dependency, relationship struggles, emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression, and more.

By releasing these deeply rooted imprints, you liberate yourself from the burdens of past hurt and suffering. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey that untethers you from energetic bondage, paving the way for a mental health reboot of both body and mind. Expect to emerge from this experience with a profound sense of liberation, newfound clarity, and an empowered state of being. As the imprints dissolve, you embark on a transformative path toward healing, allowing you to embrace life with renewed vitality and inner strength.

Common Outcomes:
1. Liberation from past hurt and suffering: Experience a profound sense of liberation as you release the burdens of childhood imprints, freeing yourself from the shackles of past trauma.
2. Newfound clarity and understanding: Gain a deep sense of clarity and understanding as you navigate the healing process, allowing you to make sense of your experiences and find meaning in your journey.
3. Empowered state of being: Rediscover your inner strength and empowerment as you dissolve the imprints that have held you back, fostering a renewed sense of confidence and self-belief.
4. Enhanced emotional well-being: Experience an improvement in emotional regulation and a greater sense of emotional balance, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.
5. Transformation and healing: Embark on a transformative path of healing as you address the wounds of childhood, paving the way for profound personal growth, self-discovery, and self-acceptance.
6. Embracing vitality and inner harmony: Embrace life with renewed vitality and a deeper sense of inner harmony, reconnecting with your authentic self and aligning with a state of wholeness and integration.

Duration: 1:06:21

9D Journey – Healing Ancestral Lines

Who is it for?
• This journey is for anyone seeking to break free from intergenerational trauma, the root cause of human suffering. Cut the cords of these struggles and cease the cycle of passing down traumas to future generations. Liberate yourself and pave the way for a more empowered and resilient future.
Break free from intergenerational trauma, the root cause of human suffering. This transformative journey is for those seeking to sever the chains of these struggles and halt the cycle of trauma. Unresolved intergenerational trauma manifests as chronic anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, and disconnection. Experience profound healing and resilience as you release these burdens. Rewrite your narrative, restore harmony within, and create a legacy of empowerment. Liberate yourself from the cycles of suffering and pave the way for a brighter future.
Common Outcomes:
1. Liberation from ancestral trauma: Experience a profound sense of liberation as you release the burdens of ancestral trauma that have influenced your life and the lives of generations before you.
2. Healing of intergenerational wounds: Find healing and resolution for intergenerational wounds, allowing for a transformative shift in your relationship with yourself, your family, and future generations.
3. Increased emotional well-being: Experience a noticeable improvement in your emotional well-being as you address and release deep-rooted ancestral traumas, leading to greater emotional stability and resilience.
4. Restoration of inner harmony: Reconnect with a sense of inner harmony and balance as you release the energetic imprints of ancestral trauma, creating a foundation for personal growth and holistic well-being.
5. Break the cycle of inherited patterns: Break free from the patterns and cycles of inherited trauma, creating an opportunity to forge a new path and prevent the transference of unresolved trauma to future generations.
6. Empowerment and self-discovery: Embrace a journey of empowerment and self-discovery, allowing you to reclaim your true essence and potential that may have been overshadowed by ancestral traumas. Gain insights and clarity, fostering personal growth and transformation.
Duration: 1:07:30


9D Journey – Down-Regulation & Regeneration

Who is it for?
• Designed for individuals new to breathwork, with contraindicating health conditions, or an overactive nervous system, this offering provides essential support in processing and integrating any potential challenges.
Embark on a gentle and transformative 9D Breathwork Journey for Integration & Regeneration. Designed for new students, this breathwork experience fosters relaxation, grounding, and wholeness. Engaging the vagus nerve and activating the parasympathetic “rest and digest” response, it guides you into profound calm. Through hypnotherapy, subliminal messages, visualization, and deliberate breathing, discover the power of breath for rejuvenation and integration. Explore harmony within your mind and body. Nurture yourself, grow, and transform.
Common Outcomes:
1. Deep relaxation and grounding: Experience a profound sense of relaxation, allowing you to release stress and find a grounded state of being.
2. Enhanced well-being and wholeness: Reconnect with your inner self and experience a sense of wholeness, bringing balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.
3. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system: Engage the body’s natural relaxation response, promoting calmness, tranquility, and restorative healing.
4. Integration of mind and body: Explore the power of breathwork to integrate your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, fostering a sense of unity and coherence.
5. Rejuvenation and renewal: Tap into the transformative potential of deliberate breathing techniques, rejuvenating your energy and revitalizing your entire being.
6. Self-discovery and personal growth: Journey within to discover new insights, access inner wisdom, and experience personal growth as you navigate the path of integration and regeneration.
Duration: 47:20

9D Journey – Abundance

Who is it for?
• This offering is meticulously crafted to assist individuals who are confronting obstacles related to financial abundance, whether it be long-held beliefs about scarcity, feelings of undeservingness, or judgments about money and wealth. It provides a fertile ground for those desiring to usher in greater prosperity and abundance in their lives, offering a chance to unearth and engage with their inherent ability to attract wealth. Through this breathwork experience, participants can dissolve money blocks and form a more empowering, positive relationship with their financial selves.
Engage in a potent 9D Breathwork expedition, tailor-made to empower you in the art of releasing financial limitations. This immersive experience frees you from the constraints of old money narratives, shedding economic and mental hurdles that impede prosperity. Through abundance, self-belief, acceptance, and resilience, key themes coalesce, fostering financial metamorphosis. You dissolve the shackles of past money beliefs, experiencing financial freedom, peace, and restored equilibrium. This transformative journey is a stepping stone towards perpetual abundance and prosperity, enabling the growth of your affluent self. Embrace profound financial liberation, enriching your life with wealth and unlimited possibilities.
Common Outcomes:
1. Liberation from financial constraints: Experience profound economic freedom as you release the grip of old money narratives, letting go of limitations that have held you back.
2. Release of economic and mindset hurdles: Shed the weight of economic and mindset obstacles, leading to a sense of lightness and financial relief.
3. Cultivation of abundance, self-belief, and acceptance: Foster an abundant and self-assured relationship with yourself and money, embracing prosperity and acceptance as transformative forces.
4. Financial resilience and stability: Develop inner economic strength and resilience, enabling you to navigate life’s financial challenges with greater ease and stability.
5. Peace and restored balance: Experience a deep sense of peace and inner equilibrium, restoring harmony in your financial life and wealth creation.
6. Empowered financial transformation: Embrace personal growth and economic empowerment as you dissolve money blocks, opening yourself up to endless possibilities and a more fulfilling financial journey.
Duration: 1:18:56

The Full Reset 9D Breathwork Journey

Who is it for?
• This experience is ideally suited for those who feel worn out and fatigued by life’s pressures, ready to commit to the process of revitalizing their existence for a new beginning. It serves as a refuge for those grappling with the burdens of past events, negative feelings, self-criticism, or judgment toward others. Offering a pathway to unearth deeper significance and direction in life, it extends a chance to rediscover and rekindle connection with their true self.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the Full System Reset, a somatic breathwork experience purpose-built to aid you in the mastery of release. This all-encompassing experience frees you from the clutches of the past, discarding both physical and psychological loads that foster unease. Interweaving the central themes of acceptance, gratitude, self-belief, and courage it fosters a powerful personal rebirth. You’ll cast off the heaviness of old programming, creating space for emotional resilience, inner peace, and renewed equilibrium. This revitalizing journey acts as a cornerstone for sustained growth and recovery, fortifying the emergence of your genuine self. Welcome deep-seated freedom, augmenting your existence with renewed intent and boundless potential.

Common Outcomes:
1. Break from Exhaustion: Encounter profound liberation as you unchain yourself from the weariness of the past, releasing the burdens that have been slowing you down.
2. Discharge of Physical and Emotional Strains: Peel away both physical and emotional encumbrances, giving rise to a sense of buoyancy and solace.
3. Nurture of Forgiveness, Self-Compassion, and Acceptance: Cultivate a kind and nurturing rapport with yourself and others, harnessing forgiveness and acceptance as catalysts of transformation.
4. Resilience and Emotional Equanimity: Foster inner fortitude and resilience, equipping you to sail through life’s waves with increased ease and emotional balance.
5. Peace and Reinstated Equilibrium: Delve into a profound sense of serenity and inner stability, reinstating harmony in your personal sphere and relationships.
6. Energized Self-Rejuvenation: Embrace individual growth and empowerment as you release and rejuvenate, paving the way for new opportunities and a more gratifying life journey.

Duration: 1:07:13